Friday, February 19, 2021

Sanjh Ki Kiran

In Indian philosophy, Kalpataru is a Wishing Tree, a tree that can fulfil all our wishes. Kalpataru Trust is a not-for-profit organization working at the national level towards creating a greener world, where the women would have better health, the children better education and the people, affected by the sudden wrath of nature, some basic aids to survive the turmoil. The members of Kalpataru strive to fulfil some of the basic needs, if not all the wishes, of the people around us. Our means are limited, but our dreams are boundless. 

We strongly feel that if everyone were adequately educated, we would have a self-reliant and capable world, atma nirbhar and sakshama. With this resolve, Kalpatru launched an initiative, Sanjh Ki Kiran, across India. Under the aegis of this initiative, the first evening school, Abhyuday, was inaugurated at Suneheri village, Kurukshetra, Haryana, on 29 November 2020.

The Abhyuday evening schools across the country would be like Sanjh ki Kiran, which would keep the darkness of incompetence away, even after the sun has gone down. Swami Vivekananda would say that education is that which brings out the best within us. It’s like the nurturing that makes a tiny seedling grow into a big Ashwatha tree, even the mighty Kalptaru. Without the gardener’s nurturing, even a Kalpataru might not grow to its fullest potential – the wrath of nature could consume it. We want to create the gardens and the gardeners to help today’s kids blossom like an Ashwatha, like a Kalpataru of the future. 

To make India atma nirbhar and sakshama, every kid of today should have a proper education. The evening schools would cater to the children of the migrant labourers and others who are economically challenged and who cannot afford to send their kids to coaching classes or good schools. Thus, these kids are deprived of the essential ammunition to fight poverty in the long run and the keys to better lives. The evening schools are meant to fill in the gaps in the education for these kids, thus nurturing them to become atma nirbhar citizens of India. 

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